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Floating Bridge

Naval and Military Gazette and Weekly Chronicle of the United Service

Saturday 28 March 1835

The Lords of the Admiralty have expressed their dissent to the contemplate erection of a floating bridge, between Portsmouth and Gosport, and for which a strong memorial had been presented for their consideration

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 30 November 1839

Notice is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament, in the next season, for leave to bring in a Bill to alter and amend the powers and provisions of an Act passed in the first year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled,”An Act for establishing a Floating Bridge or Bridges over the Harbour of Portsmouth, from or near a place called Gosport Beach, in the parish of Alverstoke, in the county of Southampton, to the opposite shore, to or near a place called Portsmouth Point, in the parish of Portsmouth, in the said county, with proper approached thereto;” and to enable the company incorporated by the said Act to improve, extend, and enlarge the landing place belonging to the said company, at or near Portsmouth Point aforesaid, and to improve the approaches thereto, in the said parish of Portsmouth,, and for these purposes to stop up and divert the public landing place of the width of seven feet or thereabouts, situate on the northern side of the landing place belonging to the company of proprietors of the aforesaid bridge situate at the Portsmouth Point aforesaid, and also a certain road or place or parcel of sea beach, situate between the aforesaid landing place, and a certain quay or wharf, messuage, or dwelling house and the hereditaments belonging to John Lindegren, esquire, also situate  at or near Portsmouth Point aforesaid, and to appropriate the said landing place of the width of seven feet or thereabouts, and also of the said road or sea beach, for the greater improvement of the landing place of the said company, and in lieu thereof to make on the northern side  of the said landing place, a certain other landing place of the width of seven feet in the clear, for the use of public on foot to land and embark in open boats and wherries.  And also in lieu of the aforesaid road or piece or parcel of sea beach to make another public carriage road, adjoining the said public landing place, of seven feet width.  And also and also to enable the said company to raise a further sum of money for the general purposes of the said undertaking, and for improving the said landing places and approaches ; duplicate plans and sections whereof, together with books of reference thereto, will be deposited for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Southampton, at his office in Winchester, in the said county, and with the Clerk of the Peace for the Borough of Portsmouth, at his office in the said Borough, on or before the 30th day of November instant ; and on or before the 31st day of December next, a copy of the said plan, sections and book of reference, will be deposited with the Parish Clerk of the said Parish of Portsmouth, at his place of abode.

Dated this thirteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 7 April 1849

Caution to Ship Owners - The Brig “Diamond” some short time since, ran foul of the Floating Bridge at the mouth of the Harbour, and did considerable damage to one of the brows.  As it turned out, upon enquiry, that the bridge had actually stopped when the accident occurred, and was at rest on the Portsmouth shore, leaving the habour open for the “Diamond”  there could no pretence for laying any portion of the blame on the bridge.  The matter was proceeding to a legal issue, but the owner of the “Diamond”, as we think, very prudently compromised the matter, by the paying of £47 10s being about £20 short of the full amount of loss sustained by the Company.  As this bridge is a great public convoulence, too much care cannot be taken by Masters of vessels and others to prevent any interruption of the the traffic, and so we trust this case may operate as a warning to them

Sussex Advertiser : Saturday 6 January 1866

Public house, coffee and eating house combined, near the Floating Bridge.  Income £200.

Hampshire Telegraph : Wednesday 4 January 1871

The omnibuses from the Napier Column, Landport to the Victoria Pier and the Floating Bridge, and vice versa, commenced running on Monday.  In the evening the returns were considered satisfactory.

Globe : Thursday 3 April 1879

This morning the Albert Floating Bridge running bewteen Portsmouth and Gosport shores caught fire.  The engineers, after lighting the fires, left the bridge and shortly afterwards flames were seen issuinf from the engine-room.  A government tug and fire engines from the Duke of Wellington flagship and St Vincent training ship went to assist, but the flames were not subdued until the interior had been completely gutted.  The Floating Bridge is the only means of coneying the vehicular traffic, which is very considerable, across the harbour from Portsmouth to Gosport.  The fire has completely stopped this traffic, which, until it is re-established, will have to proceed by road, a distance of some fourteen or sixteen miles round the harbour.  A Lloyd’s telegram says the fire is being goy under.

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 30 May 1885

Tram Service

Tram cars now from The Floating Bring Bridge, Portsmouth, to railway Station, Mile End and Stamshaw, without changing car.  Fare penny

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 21 August 1843

Port of Portsmouth Floating Bridge ; Tolls to let

Notice is hereby given ; That the Proprietors of this undertaking will assemble at the Company’s Office, on Tuesday, the 29th day of August, inst., at eleven for twelve o’clock precisely, for the purpose of receiving Tenders from parties desirous of renting the tolls of the bridge, for one year certain, from the said, 29th August inst.

Full particulars may be had on or after 22nd of august, at the offices of the Company.

Henry Deacon.  Secretary and Manager

Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 6 July 1894

The Floating Bridge between Portsmouth and Gosport will in future run on Sundays.

Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 30 January 1911

A mishap, which is not uncommon, but which might be avoided, was caused to the Floating Bridge in Portsmouth Harbour this afternoon by reason of its fouling the anchor of a Government Lighter on the bank near  the Gosport shore, as the bridge was leaving, laden, for Point about four o’clock.  The time was ebbing at the time.  The passengers were taken off by the Company’s steam launches, one of which also went aground, but the tradesmen’s vans and other vehicles on board had, of course, to wait until the bridge could be floated again on the rising tide, this being expected to occur about seven o’clock.

Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 11 October 1922

Before the ordinary business of the Portsmouth Police Court today, the Mayor (Alderman A E Porter) who sat with Mr J W Gieve, was asked to present to Mr George Street, 8 Albion Street, Mile End and Mr R G Pharoe, 12 Forbury Street, the medal inscribed, “For Humanity” of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

The report of the incident which earned the men the award was as follows : -  At about 11.30 am on Tuesday 22 August, a horse attached to a van belonging to the Southsea Mineral Water Co took fright at a wave which broke over the slipway at the Floating Bridge, and the animal dashed into the sea at high water.  Mr Street, who was employed as a mate on the Floating Bridge, seeing the animal’s danger, at once waded in, and standing on the shafts, succeeded in keeping the animal’s head above water until Mr Pharoe put off in a boat and together they succeeded in cutting the harness and bringing the animal to shore.  The action was carried out at considerable personal risk, and but for the gallantry and promptitude shown by the men there was no doubt that the animal would have been drowned.

Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 18 July 1927

A number of passengers crossing Portsmouth Harbour on the Floating Bridge this morning were very effectively baulked by a German vessel named Borkum.

About 11 o’clock the Borkum, laden with a cargo of timber, was making for the Camber, and after entering the harbour dropped her anchor on the south side of the Floating Bridge and crossed to the northern side, trailing her anchor cable across the bridge chain.  The Floating Bridge which was about midway across the harbour at the time, was immediately stopped, and was unable to move either backward or forward.

Meanwhile the Borkum was manoeuvring to pick up her anchor, and several times went perilously near going aground off Point.  With the Floating Bridge out of commission streams of traffic collected along Broad Street and on the Gosport side, and quite small crowds of people watched the operations.  The obstruction was cleared shortly after 1 o’clock and the service was in full running order after that time.  The stoppage lasted about two hours.

Floating Bridge: Welcome
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